
The BEST Homemade Window Cleaners!

By August 15, 2019 January 15th, 2020 No Comments

Windows are the eyes of your house. They can either make or break your curb appeal. Keeping them clean is also essential to the health of your home. These top 3 DIY cleaners will change your life and your windows. This quick and easy blog will explain what you will need for the best homemade window cleaners. 

First off, why homemade window cleaner? 

It’s dirt cheap. Your DIY bottle will cost you $1.50, which is about ⅓ of what your store-bought cleaner would cost. 

Better for the environment. With your homemade window cleaner, you will be using reusable bottles. You’ll be able to save bottles from the landfill, as well as the fuel that would’ve been used to get the bottles/ cleaner to the store. 

It’s accommodating. Since you will be in total control of the ratios, you will be able to adjust them as you make it. If the formula is off and not cleaning exactly how you want, then you can fix it. 

The recipes below are very simple and can be used with any washcloth, or paper towel. 

Recipe 1: Basic Homemade Window Cleaner


  • 2 cups distilled water
  • 1/2 cup vinegar
  • 10 drops essential oil

Recipe 2: Rubbing Alcohol Window Cleaner


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 2-3 tbsp. white vinegar 
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol

Recipe 3: Dish Soap Glass Cleaner


  • 16 oz hot water
  • a few drops mild dishwashing liquid

With all three recipes, combine all ingredients in a spray bottle of your choice, shake together and there you have it, your very own DIY glass cleaner! Make sure you are storing your homemade window cleaners separately from any cooking ingredients. Now that you have made the best DIY window cleaner, it’s time to use them! Happy Cleaning!

Ready for some new windows? We would love to help you out! Contact us using the online form here or give us a call at 402-216-8850.